About Me
My Professional Development
I enjoy composing choral music and have played the piano and sung in choirs for most of my life. It was through my work as a choral director in England that I encountered the field of sound therapy. I certified as a voice practitioner in this field through the College of Sound Healing in the UK (under Alexandra Rigazzi-Tarling), and then continued training at the College as a gong practitioner under Sheila Whittaker. I have taken further professional development courses with Ms. Rigazzi-Tarling (in Sound Baths), Simon Heather in the UK (in Assemblage Point Adjustments), and the Institute of Traditional Medicine in Toronto (in the use of Tuning Forks in treatments).
Beyond my music and sound therapy training, I have undergraduate degrees in economics and education, and graduate degrees in education and theology. I have worked in each of these fields with children, youth and adults.
My Personal Development
I aim to live a balanced life, and enjoy cooking, canoeing, camping, gardening, reading, yoga, and time with family and friends,.
I have been (and continue to be) an active volunteer in women’s spirituality, story-telling, youth work and organised camping.
The education system of Steiner / Waldorf has played a role in how I see the world and how humans develop within it, as have the social justice- and ecumenically- oriented views of the United Church of Canada.
I aim to inhabit a space where I am working to fulfil my purpose and potential, and I try to help others do the same. I am always learning.
My Professional Commitment
I commit to continuing professional development, self-reflection, and ongoing dialogue with other professionals (both in my field and in related ones) so that I maintain my skills at the highest possible level and continue exploring how sound therapy can be used to bring about greater health in the individual and society.
I commit to practising in a way that works for the highest good of my clients and for their overall health and wellbeing.