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Sound Therapy can work at many levels-physical, emotional, and spiritual. Read on for comments made by some of Jennifer's clients

[In the week following the treatment], I have been feeling very “light” but deeply grounded. I have experienced less anxiety this week and a welcomed sense of calm and peace. I have also been more confident in listening to my intuition and advocating for myself. - JM 


[Experiencing Sound Therapy] has been more than I could hope for or thought, because I had never done anything like this before. It has blown me away on how I feel. [After 2 weekly treatments], I noticed I wasn’t feeling so much anxiety. But when I did, I could pull myself back so quickly. - CD 


I have been sleeping very very well since the treatment, which is a big change for me. - RF 


The sessions are always extremely relaxing. Jenn has a very calming voice, and in conjunction with a variety of instruments that she uses, it creates a very soothing atmosphere. When she focuses on the breathing, and names various parts of my body, I’m able to feel my breath going to those places. The deep breathing helps as well. Since I have started working with Jennifer, my blood pressure seems to have stabilized at a good level, as well. I’m really pleased about that! - BR 


(Client with knee pain) My knee got so hot through the whole treatment [yesterday]. It felt great. It was not tender, even though it tends to be. It was not stiff. And today my knee hasn’t buckled, clicked or screamed! - JC 


I could feel the treatment at a deep, cellular level and could tell where Jennifer was working. At the end of the treatment, I felt all smoothed out somehow, calmer and more relaxed.  I slept deeply that night, and the next day felt wonderful. My bladder infection felt less painful. - SBM  


It felt like a massage... I feel relaxed. The day after my treatment, I was very pleasantly surprised when I realised I didn't ache like I normally do! - JC 


During the treatment, I felt things moving around, "adjusting", I suppose. I liked the tuning forks, they were lovely-- they felt like a strong energy. The lullaby part felt very gentle. The treatment really grounded me, which is something I really could do with. I felt great after the treatment, and in the days following. - JH 


 I LOVE this treatment. It was gentle and constant and incredible feeling. It was… like it was working on another layer, an emotional layer. The vibration felt faster, yet lower. My first treatment felt like it was working on the dense first layer, this felt like it was working on the whole being in general, rather than being focussed on just one. I loved it, it was such a beautiful healing. An amazing experience, the whole treatment. I feel like I'm floating. 

- LB   


My shoulders feel very open, I have a lovely sensation of cool mountain air around my chest. When my lower back is in spasm, my stomach feels very hard and swollen, which it did at the beginning [of the treatment]. But that’s all shifted and moved, it’s not bulging any more. I find the gong quite a diuretic, it gets things flowing. I feel less puffy. - ART 


My constipation improved after the treatment - thank you!! - RF 


I was very ill with Covid-19 when I received a sound healing from Jennifer Bell. It was done remotely and in this circumstance that was beneficial because it allowed me the freedom from my own self consciousness. Jenn talked me through the treatment prior to having it, so I knew what to expect and she was professional and warm throughout.  Jenn’s voice is a profoundly spiritual experience in its own right, but when directed towards you, in a time of need, it was transformative. I was able to find a sense of peace that was much needed at a pivotal time in my illness. There was a  moment where Jenn used sounds purposefully and intuitively “for me” that reached me on a level of my conscious and unconscious self that is hard to put into words. She facilitated the release and tensions, both spiritual and physical and I will be forever grateful for her holding, her work and the gift it was for me.- RB 


I felt totally relaxed and safe and as though I was being told that everything was going to be OK…. I felt like I was doing all kinds of work inside, but I feel great. - CD 


I felt like I was floating. - JC 


The whole experience took me to a very deep relaxation very quickly. - SW 


I really had a journey into consciousness. I felt like I was going into the gong... I had an acupuncture treatment yesterday, this complemented that well. - ART 


(Client with knee pain) A week after my treatment now, and my knee feels so much better. It didn’t hurt when I left [the day of the treatment], then it twinged a bit, but that went and there hasn’t been any more pain. - SW 


My chest and heart opened, I was very connected to my breathing. I had an intense sensation of my chest opening, getting enlarged.  - ART 


I came in wanting to deal with a clogged low back chakra, and bloating, but during the treatment, the lower chakra dragging problem went very quickly. Really smoothly. All of a sudden I realised it wasn’t there. - SW 


I was somewhere else! It’s like I wasn’t on the table (receiving a treatment). I was just in my life. Compared to the Musical Scale treatment, this felt more real, not so dreamlike. The last time, I drifted off. This time I didn’t. I was active, like I was moving around my life, doing things. I had a very real sense of being busy, sorting things out. - JH 


I found this very relaxing. With certain of the intervals, I felt like I could just zone out. I could definitely feel the sound- it made me feel very relaxed. At one point, I was thinking about a sound, and then you made that sound and it was so healing. The sound was very resonant. It was like I was the sound, as well as hearing it. I felt really relaxed. - SBM 


I could feel the energy surrounding me. The tuning forks at my ears were amazing, a lovely vibration...The next day, I still felt great, very light." - LB 


I went into this session far less tired than the other sessions. I was aware of much more as a consequence. I felt the 4th and 5th tunings strongly- they were very big tunings for me. The 4th was very clearly about my children. I had a strong sense of them, of healing happening there. At the 5th, I felt an opening, a settling space. Both felt so resonant. My body responded to the sound at them. It feels like this treatment is quite different than the others. I feel less like you're responding to me, like you’re much more of a conduit. This treatment definitely felt like I was being “tidied up”. It felt profound. It felt like things were being sorted. - SBM 


That was amazing. The long notes were great, so long. I had a visual right away- when you were going up the scale, I felt like a lotus flower at each chakra was opening in me. 

 I feel so lovely, so calm. - LB 

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